Sunday, January 16, 2011

For Christmas Keith and I decided to get a story book made that uses Brynlee's Photo superimposed over a mermaid to make her look like she is the main character in a book. We needed to send in a picture to the company that was making the book, of her head in an upright position, smiling and her eyes looking at the camera. It didn't seem like a hard task, but it turned out to be an almost impossible one! Brynlee loves to pose when the camera is on her. We took over 50 pictures and couldn't get one that would work! She is always cocking her head to one side, doing something cutesy with her lips, making silly faces and she RARELY looks at the camera. The picture to the right is the one we finally used. It was the only one that came close to the criteria we needed. I took me three days to get that picture!

1 comment:

Quinae said...

See with every kid you have they thinks he/she needs to be even more dramatic then the last one to get the attention they want......the kid is under the impression that that is normal. The problem is you started with drama so you are ending with ultra drama.....So Brynlee and very cute.